Article: Powergrid International on Load forecasting, weather anomalies, data access are key to managing the grid of the future

Titiaan Palazzi
Myst AI
Published in
Sep 9, 2021


On two consecutive days in August 2020, temperatures swelled across much of California, leading to the hottest August day on record since 1985. Electricity demand also rose rapidly, forcing the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) to initiate rotating outages that affected more than a million people. It was the first time in nearly 20 years that Californians experienced such outages. What happened?

In an article for PowerGrid International, Myst cofounder Titiaan Palazzi and Taj Ait-Laoussine from partner East Bay Community Energy (EBCE) take a closer look at how inaccurate forecasting contributed to some of the challenges for California’s grid… and how better forecasting can mitigate such problems in the future.

